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Department Of Sanitation
Top Ten Revenue Categories by Revenue
Revenue FY 2015 (July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015)
Revenue Category |
Recognized |
Remaining |
MISCELLANEOUS | 11892390.21 | 427609.79 | |
LICENS. PERM. PRIV, FRANCHISES | 5116751.22 | -247751.22 | |
TRANSFERS FROM OTHER FUNDS | 4520756.97 | 0.03000000026077 | |
CHARGES FOR SERVICES | 3245311.17 | 804324.83 | |
Non-Governmental Grants | 2753798.48 | -248515.48 | |
Federal Grants and Contracts-Categorical | 1760105.44 | 169865.56 | |
State Grants and Contracts-Categorical | 852119.21 | 3823.79 |